
Weekend Wrap-Up

By all accounts, it was a great weekend around here.  Kael's soccer team tied, his football team won, the Hawkeyes won and the Vikings even won! Not that we judge a good weekend by whether all of "our" teams won or anything...just sayin'.

So I've been catching a little slack for the length of my last post from Kent.  "Don't you have any pictures to put up from our harvest or football games or anything?"  So, Kent, this one's for you. 

Last weekend we harvested the pumpkins from our little pumpkin patch in our backyard.  I think I did mention this, but here are the pictures.  So fun! 

I haven't been taking a lot of pictures from Kael's soccer games (he played in the chilly rain this weekend and I didn't even take my camera out), but I do have several pictures from his football games.  Thanks, Mom!!!

Kael's team is 2-2.  It's been a really fun season and crazy to see how much they improve from one game to the next! 

The kids hung with my parents on Friday night so we could celebrate our anniversary a few days early.  They had fun helping my dad pick up walnuts in his backyard. 

The hair! I'm getting Kase's pictures taken tomorrow, and I promised Kent that we could cut the hair (sob!) after I got his pictures taken.  

Go, Kael, go!

Some of our neighbors/besties came to watch Kael play last weekend.  This is his casual "I see you but I don't think I'm supposed to wave but I want say hi so I'm going to wave in the middle of the game anyways" look. 

He looks so.grown.up. 

Say it with me.  Oh, Kylee!

Fro-yo after the game? You betcha.
Saturday morning Kase "helped" Kent mow the lawn, I went for a quick run before the rain set in, then we had fun watching the Hawkeyes with friends and making the season's first batch of chili- yum.  Sunday morning was the first time I would say that Kase actually lasted the whole time in church nursery, so that was awesome! Sunday afternoon we visited my grandma and had a little adventure trying to get a football out of the pond.  Now we're gearing up for a week filled with school pictures and (hopefully) a field trip to the apple orchard.  Should be a good one!

Here are a couple other pictures I don't think I've shared yet.

Kylee made it to the top of the rope at Triad.  She is such a monkey!

Kase and I visited Sargent Park in EDM this morning.  I had heard they opened a "natural playscape" so we went to check it out.  It wasn't very big and there wasn't a ton of stuff to do there, but fun for a change from the park we always go to. 

And then he figured out how to turn on the fountain.

And then it became lots of fun. Shortly after this pictures I stripped him down to just diaper and shorts and he had a blast running around.  I am LOVING this warm weather!

 I hadn't been to the new Hy-Vee yet, so Kase and I stopped by on our way home.  He ate this entire donut in one bite.  And then he made fish faces at the lobsters in the background.

So, that's what we've been up to.  How about you? 

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