
The Most Thankful Thursday

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Were you worried I forgot to post Thankful Thursday on the most Thankful Thursday of the year? Fear not, faithful readers.  It was completely intentional that I didn't post anything on that day.

To say we've been busy lately would be a gross understatement. Currently I'm most thankful for a few stolen moments alone to catch up this blog.

I'm thankful for an amazing Thanksgiving day.  We switched up plans at the last minute and ended up eating at my parents house with my grandma, aunt, uncle and cousins.  It was a nice sized group of people.  The kids had a great time and Kael especially enjoyed the turkey, rolls and pumpkin pie.

I'm thankful Kylee enjoyed making these little Oreo turkeys the day before Thanksgiving.  Kael did make one before declaring, "Mom this is very boring.  Do I have to do any more?" He shares my lack of deriving enjoyment out of all things crafty.

I'm thankful for a long weekend with 5 full days of no school for Kael! Kent also had Friday off which hasn't happened in past years so we were very thankful to spend some quality family time together.

I'm thankful for my parents' enthusiasm about helping us out around our house.  We've been toying with the idea of moving for awhile now, and it looks as though putting our house on the market will soon be a reality.  My parents spent all of Friday and Saturday here helping us paint, move boxes, rake up leaves, clear out the garage and entertain the kids.

I'm thankful the house I'd really like to move into hasn't sold yet because that motivates me to keep working on our house and get it sold quickly!

Lastly I'm so incredibly thankful that we are expecting a baby in April. Many of you have probably played the "Will they/won't they?" game about Kent and I deciding to/not to expand our family.  After going through an incredibly difficult time when we lost a baby at 14 weeks nearly two years ago, I think many people had assumed we were done having kids.  I am 18 weeks along now and as I type this, physically I can feel the baby moving inside of me and emotionally I can't help but feel that all is right with the world.  We told the kids on Thanksgiving morning that we were excpecting a baby.  Their reactions were awesome.  Kylee hugs my belly all the time and Kael is eager to contribute to our name search.  He's such a sweetie and said, "But Mom, if we pick another K name for the baby then you'll be the only one in the family without a K name and I don't want you to be left out!" He rattled off a few L names before claiming he had thought of the perfect name: Luley Bumson.  A completely made-up name that makes me actually laugh out loud every time he says it.  He decided how it should be spelled and everything.  I'm trying to let him down gently so that he's not devastated when he doesn't have a little Luley come April. :)

I'm thankful I was able to keep a secret- I didn't even tell Kent we were expecting until I was nearly 14 weeks along and we didn't tell anyone else until I was 16 weeks along.  I don't think anyone was particularly surprised but still, I love having secrets. :) But now, I'm just thankful that everyone knows so they can share in our joy!

I'm thankful I haven't had to bust out any maternity clothes yet.  I was hoping to make it to Christmas...but unless I'd like to show up to Christmas in sweats, it's looking like I'll have to pull out the ol' maternity clothes very soon.

We have so very, very much to be thankful for.


Kyli said...

So happy for your GROWING family!

Missy... said...

YAY!!! Sooooo happy for you all! Congrats!!

Maria P said...

Congratulations Laura!! How exciting!! April must be a popular month...you are the fourth person we know expecting then! Crazy!

mama walker said...

WOOOhooooO!!!!! i am so excited for you guys!!! and VERY impressed with your secret keeping skills!! my sister is due in april too!